
How To Make Website? [Basic Information]

Nowadays every business or blog needs a website to write. Writing a blog is very famous in today’s time. Many people start it as a hobby and many start it as a business. Blog writing is the dream of many people, but due to not getting the right information, they are not able to start it. Having a website is also very important for business. In today’s article, you will get information from beginning to end about making a website. Now a lot of technical knowledge is not needed to make a website, if you know how to operate a computer, you can make a very good website if you have internet access. We will try to give you all the information.

For a website to work well, 3 things are required;

  • Choose a domain, and register it for your website
  • Build a web host so that the website can work on the Internet
  • Install website theme

You must not understand this right now, but here I will explain these steps to you in detail. So, keep reading.

Step 1: Domain Selection:

Every website on the Internet needs a Domain Name. It is like an address, from which people can access your blog by typing your domain name. What kind of blog do you want to write, choose the name of that type. If you want, you can also choose the domain name of your name. You can also choose .com or .in or .net. It is also important to check whether the domain name exists or not. Nowadays Free Domains are also available.

  • Choose a domain name that is easy to remember, and very appealing.
  • Choose a name that best reflects your website and should be attractive, detailed, and creative.

If you have selected a domain name, then you can buy it from step 2 where we have written about Web Hosting. The advantage of this, you will get the domain name for free as well as hosting. For this, you have to go to step 2.

Step 2: Web Host Setup:

After choosing the domain name, you have to set up an account, which is set up by the web host company, which will present your blog to people on the internet 24/7. Many web hosting companies are in present days, which give new bloggers by creating a small account, whose monthly charge is also less. Before choosing a web host company, see how that company’s report is, and how is the server speed. All these things are very very crucial.

If you are a beginner or newbie blogger then it is better for you to take web hosting from Hostinger because Hostinger is a cheaper and good web hosting company. Here is the complete process. Read carefully and follow these tips.

  • First of all, go to Hostinger through our special link. When you come to the Hostinger website, there you will get the option of Menu in 3 lines, if you are a beginner Blogger then it is better for you to take Shared Web Hosting.
  • Click on Hosting
  • As soon as you click on Hosting, you will get to see some types of hosting, out of which you have to select Shared Web Hosting.
  • After selecting Shared Web Hosting, you have to scroll down to the page where you will see 3 Web Hosting Plans. The first is Single Web Hosting, the second is Premium Web Hosting and the third is Business Web Hosting.
  • If you are a Beginner Blogger, then Single Web Hosting or Premium Web Hosting Plan will be better for you. You can select any of the two.
  • Select the best plan which is suitable for you.
  • Let me show you by selecting Premium Web Hosting. Click to get Add to Cart to select.
  • As soon as you Add to Cart, a new page will open in front of you, where you will get to see offers according to the plan for some months, which will also have a discount. You can select any offer according to your choice.
  • Here you also get an option of Cloudflare Protection, you can enable it to protect your website if you want. For this also you have to pay Charges, this facility is available for a Lifetime.
  • After this, you will get the option of Domain. In this search bar, you have to do a domain search for your website. The domain you have set for your website, you can search here and see whether it is available or not.
  • If the domain you searched will be available then it gets added to your order summary.
  • After this, in the Order Summary, you can see that the total amount of all the features including the Amount and Taxes is total. Next, you can continue the further process by clicking on Checkout Now.
  • After clicking on Check Out Now, a page will open in front of you where you will have to create an account.
  • Here you will be asked for some details which you can submit and pay.
  • In this way, you can easily purchase Hosting and Domain. Now let me tell you about the next step.

Step 3: Preparation of Blog Script:

WordPress has more than 1000 pre-designed themes, using which you can make your blog more attractive and unique. You do not need to go to a web designer to get your blog ready, these designers charge money, but you can work with a free theme in WordPress. Download and use WordPress for your website. It’s completely free. 

If you want to take any theme, then take Newspaper Theme. It will be around $60. This is a very simple theme and looks great too. Keep in mind that free stuff is only for free and we would advise that it is very important to get a good theme. If you do not like this theme, then you can google and get a better theme.

If you have any problems with the initial setup, then let us know through the contact us page and we will try to help you.

Also Read: How to Install WordPress Website on Dreamhost?

How to Manage the Blog:

To manage the blog, you have to go to the backend and log in (/login). In this, you have to write login next to the domain name. This will open the dashboard. All pages, posts, tags, comments, and categories will be there in the dashboard, which you can also change. The more you work on it, the more you will understand it.


After creating the post, select the page in WordPress, where it will appear. Here is the date of publication, and the name of the writer, there will be a comment box, on which visitors can go and make their comments.


Your photos and videos will be there in the media menu, which you share in the blog.


In the Links section, you can create different links.

Page –

You can use this to add new pages to your blog. There are many options available for setting up the page.

Appearance –

In this, you can customize your blog, and how it will look, you can choose its theme, menu, and sidebar. There are many ways to make the page nice, which you can choose according to your wish.

Plugin –

A plugin is a great tool if used properly. With this, the performance of the blog will be good, the website will come up in the search engine, and the visual style and look will be good.

Settings –

By going to the Settings menu, you can manage the blog name, media setting, date, front-page display, and description.

Problems Faced by Bloggers:

To become a blogger, you have chosen a free domain, but later you may have to face some problems like –

  • Free is not free – Free blog sites give you free space, but they also earn good money from it. She doesn’t give you space because she likes you. They make good money from your hard-written blog. This happens in these ways –
  • They sell ad space – Free blog sites put ads on your blog. Which ad was put in your blog, you can not say anything about it. Along with this, you cannot claim for the money received from these ads, you cannot speak your rights on it.
  • Upgrade will cost money – After writing the blog, you sign in and put it for free, but if you make any changes later, then you will have to pay for it.
  • No profit – The purpose of free blog sites is to make money for their company, not for you. This means that you cannot sell any product or service through your blog. Further, the company can offer you money coming from this ad space, but this is a very late step.
  • The web address is very long, which is difficult to remember.
  • No Control – When you start your blog on a free website, then initially you take blog space rent. This means that the site owner has full rights to your blog. If they want, they refuse to put you on the blog, you cannot speak to them, nor can you do anything in this matter. Free blog sites will not even show you all the features, knowing that you can become a good blogger.
  • There is no security – many times the site gets hacked on the internet. This also happens with new, smaller blogs. In this, the hacker will steal your domain name, due to which all your blogs will also go away and you can never get this domain back.
  • To avoid all these hassles, it is better that you spend your blog yourself. It is cheaper than a free blog because there is no money to be paid for it later.
  • Start the blog carefully – If you choose WordPress, then it can run on any laptop, computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Good Information about the Blog – What is a blog? Blog means to express your knowledge in words. In the beginning, choose only those topics about which you have good knowledge. This will make it easier to write, as well as reach your mind to others.

  • Learn from others – While initially writing a blog, you may have to face many problems while posting it. Many mistakes also happen, to avoid all this, you should read such articles thoroughly. There is nothing wrong with learning.
  • By starting a blog, you will get these benefits (Blogging benefits) –
  • Money – Blogging can give you a good income if done well. Top bloggers of the world are earning well in today’s time. Blogging is also a part-time job, by which people are adding a lot of income.
  • The name will increase – The name is famous in blogging, but it does not happen with the blog already. After blogging continuously and giving your time to it, you can become famous in the internet world. many bloggers, He has become an expert in this field, and his name has also become quite famous.
  • Entertains – Apart from money, and name, it will also give you fun. Through this, you can convey anything inside your mind to others through words. It is said that there is a lot of power in words, in today’s world there are many such issues that need to be raised. Through blogging, you can express your views on those issues, then people who like your idea will join you, in this way you will have a big group of blogging.
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